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Join Us for a Virtual Training – CHOICES

Microsoft Teams

We’re hosting a short refresher training about the CHOICES program. Please join us on March 26, 2024 at 5:30pm CST/6:30pm EST. After the training we will answer questions. Click Here to Join the Training Meeting ID: 266 612 865 105 Passcode: psobAJ

Join Us for a Virtual Training – ECF CHOICES

Microsoft Teams

We’re hosting a short refresher training about the ECF CHOICES program. Please join us on March 27, 2024 at 5:30pm CST/6:30pm EST. After the training we will answer questions Click Here to Join the Training Meeting ID: 271 037 411 130 Passcode: dFG6Dn

Join Us for a Virtual Training – SDWP

Microsoft Teams

We’re hosting a short refresher training about the SDWP program. Please join us on March 28, 2024 at 5:30pm CST/6:30pm EST. After the training we will answer questions. Click Here to Join the Training Meeting ID: 251 738 401 10 Passcode: vXgrCR

Join Us for a Virtual Training – Katie Beckett

Microsoft Teams

We’re hosting a short refresher training about the Katie Beckett program. Please join us on April 2, 2024 at 5:30pm CST/6:30pm EST. After the training we will answer questions. Click here to Join the Training Meeting ID: 268 607 029 522 Passcode: vR8fTs